Conjoint Gaming [Game On]
CG Administration Section => Admin Department => Admin Time Away Forum => Topic started by: Old Crow on April 03, 2013, 12:09:40 PM
Name: Old Crow
Time you are leaving: Today 4/3/13
In Which server you are admin on: I am your god
Estimated time/date of return: End of April
Additional Comments: I have about a billion things to type up the next two weeks on top of two finals. If I don't start now I am going to fall behind. I'll be active on the forums and respond to any PM's.
For the CL's: Just let me know when you guys want to have that meeting.
Nuuuuuuu q.q
Get sorted, hope you do good, and come back soon :3
Crow we have a me- Oh wait... :D
Good luck on your school work :D
Hurrai Back sewn Crow.
Gewd Luck :)
GG No Re
Good luck broski!
Now who is going to stab me in TTT?
Well after this week I should be officially back. So gonna lock this up now!