Conjoint Gaming [Game On]
CG Administration Section => Admin Applications => Admin Department => Solved Applications => Topic started by: Christovski on January 20, 2013, 04:26:47 AM
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: NONE however I would think some of the other old-schoolers may vouch for me in some way.
In game name: Christovski
Link to your steam page:
Steam ID: "Christovski" STEAM_0:0:1450471
Do you have past admin experience: I've been an admin for ZPS since forever. Way back on the SKG killhouse until SKG went away, then I owned the ZPS server for KAT/CG until it got taken down. Now that it is back under Pillz I still admin when able but I'm pretty inactive.
Years of experience.
Why you wish to be admin: Death and I are trying to get the ZM server going, because now (THANK YOU GOD!!!) there are real maps on it and it is such nostalgic fun. The problem is what is left of the ZM community has many trolls etc, just today Death and I had a horrible micspammer just constantly screaming AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH over and over. I want to be able to populate the server and at least moderate it a bit. I don't have to be full admin just SOMETHING so I can help out. (once again THANK YOU whoever put all the good maps on the server!!!!!! Meme4)
What are some good qualities you possess: I always try to be an advocate of fairness (tonight I could have gotten into the bar to see my friends band for free because I knew them so the door guy let me in, but I paid the guy anyway cause its honest), and I have also spent a lot of time dealing with trolls and other varieties of shitheads (years of experience). Also I actually really want to play ZM!!!
What country are you from: USA
Age: 27ish?
Microphone: (yes or no) yes.
Additional Notes: As I mentioned previously, I don't have a ton of time to focus on ZM, I play a lot of other games and do a lot of things IRL. But I love ZM because we played it a lot in the old days, and as far as I know, there's noone to admin on the ZM server. Death suggested we put something in here to say hey, we want to help the server, maybe just some sort of moderation ability if not full admin? We want to get the server up cause we love playing old games with friends. I understand if it isn't full admin because I would only be playing 2-3 nights a week instead of every day, or only 1 or 2 if I have a particularly busy week.
I just see a void here where so few people give fucks about ZM, but I do and I want to make it work when I can. I JUST WANT TO HELP parrot
I am 100% for this.
100% Yes given that Chris was in the chat when the community was named and stuck with it far longer than almost any other original members.
He's a great guy, great admin and you'd have to really good at making stuff up to find a single reason to say no.
If you're willing to bring that shit back from the grave, sure +1
+1 for dayssssssss
Well of course as long as you can remember, I was here before there was a such a thing as CG :P
+Over 9000
Do us proud!