Conjoint Gaming [Game On]
CG Administration Section => Admin Applications => Admin Department => Solved Applications => Topic started by: Snak on January 09, 2013, 01:08:07 AM
Well it's been three months since my first app, thought id go give it another shot
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: no
In game name:Snak
Link to your steam page:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16445901
Why you wish to be admin: Still seeing a lack of admins online, only admin ive played with so far is batman and he's hardly on as it is. I'm on almost everyday, and i know how to handle my shit.
What are some good qualities you possess: Leader,mature, clear spoken when i say wut i say, people listen to wut i say aswell. I've convinced a server full of tkers just to stop cuz that aient cool. Just got a way with people i guess.
What country are you from: Canada
Age: 20
Microphone: (yes or no) Yes
Additional Notes: I'm still probly on alotta bad sides, but im just asking for a chance to earn back what i destroyed with my own foolishness
Your last application was on November 7. This was posted on January 8. Only 2 complete months have passed out of the 3. You did not wait long enough which is my big deal with this... But I'm pretty sure Hidden is I'm need of admins so:
-/+ 0
You and I have a history Rebel. At one point you were a TTT admin when I first joined, and you were actually the person to vouch me to becoming an admin the first time around. But this is where I have to say no, because we have such a long history with cg. Yes, I've been permabanned, and so have you, but mine was a one time deal, where the odds were stacked against me. Yours has a been a serious of banning and unbanning, where you have continually trolled members of the community by gaining their personal information and using it against them. Screaming racial slurs at people, making insane conspiracy theories against former CL's, mass rdming. I don't doubt you can be a valuable asset and admin, but I still feel that it is in fact too soon, and not enough progress has been made by you as a character within CG.
well if pyro is about to get head admin for hidden he might have play with snak, i wanna see what he have to said about it
You and I have a history Rebel. At one point you were a TTT admin when I first joined, and you were actually the person to vouch me to becoming an admin the first time around. But this is where I have to say no, because we have such a long history with cg. Yes, I've been permabanned, and so have you, but mine was a one time deal, where the odds were stacked against me. Yours has a been a serious of banning and unbanning, where you have continually trolled members of the community by gaining their personal information and using it against them. Screaming racial slurs at people, making insane conspiracy theories against former CL's, mass rdming. I don't doubt you can be a valuable asset and admin, but I still feel that it is in fact too soon, and not enough progress has been made by you as a character within CG.
True, but ive changed since then, but you seem to still be the same exact person. I dont do any of that anymore, yet you still seem to be stirring shit up! :D
But i do understand that it might still be too soon, which is understandable. But dont preach me like you know me son! :)
I'm not saying you haven't changed, but what I'm saying, is that give it more time.
Since the CL have given a clean slate to you (and Kwuartz) and others, with the idea of starting anew, burying the hatchet, and a former founder's taint, lets see where this goes. I have to say you are trying hard.
Kwuartz does have a point, as some will see it as too soon.
So, I will say this: I am going to let the new HA of the Hidden Servers make the decision without me giving an opinion. I want to see how he deals with the application.
Since the CL have given a clean slate to you (and Kwuartz) and others, with the idea of starting anew, burying the hatchet, and a former founder's taint, lets see where this goes. I have to say you are trying hard.
Kwuartz does have a point, as some will see it as too soon.
So, I will say this: I am going to let the new HA of the Hidden Servers make the decision without me giving an opinion. I want to see how he deals with the application.
I dont think ive played with pyro yet. which server are you usually hanging around on, pyro?
I haven't played with you yet but I think wellrgr (Batman) has been playing with you, so I'll have to ask him to post here.
Though you seem like a nice guy who is willing to help the server!
So I can't really give my opinion on this, I'll add you to my friends list ASAP so we can play some Hidden.
EDIT: BTW, I'm not HA (YET)
Honestly, though you don't really like me *ahem*
-1 takes shit personally, but what 14 year old doesnt?!
*ahem*, I see a lot of potential in you. I don't think many other people have you seen you interact with other players in-game as much as I recently. You have a strong voice, a good personality, and re firm in believing what's right. While I may be fourteen, I have definitely not taken anything personally. Pyro, as this is your choice, I would HIGHLY recommend Snak for an admin position.
Remember guys, trial admin is just that - a trial. Let's give him a chance to show his true colors!
I'm at a -/+ 0 here.
I've only really played with you on TTT and I do think with a little cleanup you would be a great choice. But you do have problems with insulting people and trolling. If I see you trying to improve on any of these aspects I will be happy to +1 as you are on the server quite a bit and you have helped a bit with rdm and such on TTT.
BTW dat grammar xD
I'm at a +.5, I feel like it is time we give snak 1 more shot at redemption, but only if he cleans up his act. For better or for worse, I think snak should get as much of a chance as I did.
If you think he should clean up his act, I think that should be done before he gets admin, not after.
He didn't wait the three months, although I don't think he should be perma denied. I say give it a while and try again, but as of currently -1 due to attitude with other players on the servers.
Going to say -1 at the mo unfortunately, he's a fun guy but he needs to clean up his act first.
I understand where your comming from, I've been told by many that I am a bit rouwdy and can get flared up easily, but thats my personality, it has nothing to do with how i would be as an admin. my personal feelings or opinions on anyone would never carry over to how i admin.
I'm applying for admin, not a popularity contest, remember :)
I understand where your comming from, I've been told by many that I am a bit rouwdy and can get flared up easily, but thats my personality, it has nothing to do with how i would be as an admin.
It has everything to do with how you would be as an Admin.
If you're easily angered and resort to insults as a normal player with no actual power on the server.
Giving you power would only exacerbate the situation. Just because you're suddenly given a position of power doesn't mean your personal feeling and reactions disappear.
If you're easily angered as a normal player, you'll be just as easily angered as an admin no matter how much you believe your personal feelings aren't going to play a part, they will.
I'm applying for admin, not a popularity contest, remember :)
Actually you are, an admin represents the entire community not just themselves.
If players don't like an admin, that reflects negatively on the community.
And if the community happens to dislike one of its own admins, what does that say about the system?
And for the community to give control to a person who has apparently resorted to anger when confronted and the use of insulting slurs and other forms of insults is basically shouting.
"Look at CG's low standards!"
When I go into a server I expect to see quality in the admins. I don't want to see admins calling players "****gots" or telling players to "Shut the fuck up" because they don't like the situations I especially would never want to see a player who I've seen causing massive trouble on the servers as an admin.
What I would like to see is a player who shown they're capable of remaining calm and dealing with other players in a proper manner. I'd like to see a player who doesn't swear at someone or insult them because that person made them mad. I'd like to see a player who can defuse the situation with just words and no admin commands.
Popularity has everything to do with begin an Admin as it reflect the persons character quite well.
Steve comes onto the forums and asks for admin and everyone states that Steve is an Asshole and quite a dick sometimes, Steve shouldn't get admin.
However, Joe comes onto the forums and asks for admin and everyone begins to praise Joe for how good of a person he is and how he never gets angry regardless of the situation. Joe has also never had any real problems with admins or other player. I would have to say Joe get's admin.
I'd like to see a player who can defuse the situation with just words and no admin commands.
Shit I would like to see that too!...With most of the player base nowadays it is almost impossible to diffuse a situation without throwing down a few commands. Even the mention of simmering down or not using such language results in an escalation of unforeseen obnoxiousness. I can tell someone to stop singing on the microphone and I am immediately attacked and called shit I have never even heard before.
I think the population of Trolls is on the rise.
Getting back to the point:
The way that you act around us is pretty much the only way we can gauge you as an individual.
If you get pissed off and rage when you are a reg, just imagine how much more you will be the target of azzhattery when you are an admin.
This is what it is about.
I was not around back when you were banned and all these bad things occurred, but judging by the temperature around here things are still a little heated and this is why the community votes for or against the candidates for administration.
You could always try and be less of a "whatever it is you are accused of being" to the people above. Considering these are the peers who will swing your vote for a position of power.
It is up to you to convey the proper persona that will mold the picture you wish for the community to see of you.
Hope this helps a bit,
I think I cried a little at discords post. Never have I seen so much wisdom out of him.
I understand where your comming from, I've been told by many that I am a bit rouwdy and can get flared up easily, but thats my personality, it has nothing to do with how i would be as an admin.
It has everything to do with how you would be as an Admin.
If you're easily angered and resort to insults as a normal player with no actual power on the server.
Giving you power would only exacerbate the situation. Just because you're suddenly given a position of power doesn't mean your personal feeling and reactions disappear.
If you're easily angered as a normal player, you'll be just as easily angered as an admin no matter how much you believe your personal feelings aren't going to play a part, they will.
I'm applying for admin, not a popularity contest, remember :)
Actually you are, an admin represents the entire community not just themselves.
If players don't like an admin, that reflects negatively on the community.
And if the community happens to dislike one of its own admins, what does that say about the system?
And for the community to give control to a person who has apparently resorted to anger when confronted and the use of insulting slurs and other forms of insults is basically shouting.
"Look at CG's low standards!"
When I go into a server I expect to see quality in the admins. I don't want to see admins calling players "****gots" or telling players to "Shut the fuck up" because they don't like the situations I especially would never want to see a player who I've seen causing massive trouble on the servers as an admin.
What I would like to see is a player who shown they're capable of remaining calm and dealing with other players in a proper manner. I'd like to see a player who doesn't swear at someone or insult them because that person made them mad. I'd like to see a player who can defuse the situation with just words and no admin commands.
Popularity has everything to do with begin an Admin as it reflect the persons character quite well.
Steve comes onto the forums and asks for admin and everyone states that Steve is an Asshole and quite a dick sometimes, Steve shouldn't get admin.
However, Joe comes onto the forums and asks for admin and everyone begins to praise Joe for how good of a person he is and how he never gets angry regardless of the situation. Joe has also never had any real problems with admins or other player. I would have to say Joe get's admin.
As i said, i seperate my anger from admin. I'm an adult, I dont let emotions control my actions. Yes I can get angered easily, that doesnt mean i'm going to rage with my admin powers.
And that's how I intend to handle situations, defusing the situation with words is how i've had to do it so far, the only time ill be forced to actually use the admin powers is to deal with teamkillers and the hackers, any other conflicts my voice is my power.
I'm an adult, I dont let emotions control my actions.
The fact there have been incidents where you've apparently trolled players who've made you mad and resorted to calling other players "****gots" and other insults completely contradicts what you've just said.
I'm an adult, I dont let emotions control my actions.
The fact there have been incidents where you've apparently trolled players who've made you mad and resorted to calling other players "****gots" and other insults completely contradicts what you've just said.
yes, that was 4 years ago. like ive said and shown, ive changed since then. I still get mad, but I get over it within a minute. When you have a kid at 18, you learn to control your anger pretty quick. The only thing that really ticks me off anymore are people who try to bring other people down, and people who break the game rules (such as tking in the hidden, which is rampant),
You and I have a history Rebel. At one point you were a TTT admin when I first joined, and you were actually the person to vouch me to becoming an admin the first time around. But this is where I have to say no, because we have such a long history with cg. Yes, I've been permabanned, and so have you, but mine was a one time deal, where the odds were stacked against me. Yours has a been a serious of banning and unbanning, where you have continually trolled members of the community by gaining their personal information and using it against them. Screaming racial slurs at people, making insane conspiracy theories against former CL's, mass rdming. I don't doubt you can be a valuable asset and admin, but I still feel that it is in fact too soon, and not enough progress has been made by you as a character within CG.
What Kwaurtz said.
I'm an adult, I dont let emotions control my actions.
The fact there have been incidents where you've apparently trolled players who've made you mad and resorted to calling other players "****gots" and other insults completely contradicts what you've just said.
yes, that was 4 years ago. like ive said and shown, ive changed since then. I still get mad, but I get over it within a minute. When you have a kid at 18, you learn to control your anger pretty quick. The only thing that really ticks me off anymore are people who try to bring other people down, and people who break the game rules (such as tking in the hidden, which is rampant),
Actually That was less then 2 years ago.
yes, that was 4 years ago. like ive said and shown, ive changed since then. I still get mad, but I get over it within a minute. When you have a kid at 18, you learn to control your anger pretty quick. The only thing that really ticks me off anymore are people who try to bring other people down, and people who break the game rules (such as tking in the hidden, which is rampant),
yes, that was 4 years ago. like ive said and shown, ive changed since then. I still get mad, but I get over it within a minute. When you have a kid at 18, you learn to control your anger pretty quick. The only thing that really ticks me off anymore are people who try to bring other people down, and people who break the game rules (such as tking in the hidden, which is rampant),
I have a two year old girl
yes, that was 4 years ago. like ive said and shown, ive changed since then. I still get mad, but I get over it within a minute. When you have a kid at 18, you learn to control your anger pretty quick. The only thing that really ticks me off anymore are people who try to bring other people down, and people who break the game rules (such as tking in the hidden, which is rampant),
I have a two year old girl
Wife? Girlfriend?
Wow. Congratz on making that work.
Back on topic please, my personal life has nothing to do with this :D
Back on topic please, my personal life has nothing to do with this :D
Then why bring it up?
Always been a good boy when I've seen him. Except when you went off the deep end. I think you got it in you.
Back on topic please, my personal life has nothing to do with this :D
Then why bring it up?
it was part of my answer,him asking if i have a wife or girlfriend isent related/
I'm sorry.
Too many people gave negative comments.