Conjoint Gaming [Game On]

CG Administration Section => Admin Applications => Admin Department => Solved Applications => Topic started by: Tyber on December 12, 2012, 02:16:17 AM

Title: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 12, 2012, 02:16:17 AM
Were you recommended by an admin? If so state the name: N/A

In game name: Tyber Xan

Link to your steam page: (Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is it?)

Steam ID: Too lazy... JK STEAM_0:0:41919179 :)

Do you have past admin experience: No. (But we all gotta start somewhere, and I can't think of a better community)

Why you wish to be admin: The same as any other admin I guess... but I have a unique situation making me a perfect candidate (if I say so myself) because I'm home schooled and can be on the server at nearly any time of the day. It's really tough to see people get rdmed, People trolling and overall being a nuisance and can't do anything about it. I don't believe I can stop it all together, but I do believe I can at least help/prevent it.

What are some good qualities you possess: Good listener, Have a good sense of humor and can take a joke, Wont go easy on other admins or friends, Try to help restore order when no admins/little admins are on.

What country are you from: USA

Age: 14 (Have been mistaken to be 16 though and Birthday's in about 7 moths.)

Microphone: Yes.

Additional Notes: Have put 100 hours into the server in the past 2 weeks, have been told by a admin (I think) and players alike that I should put in an admin application and have been told by some people I would make a great admin/mod. I am new when it comes to admin commands but I know how to read Damage Logs and see if someone is rdmed/attempt rdmed. Hopefully that "Ghosting" ban I got about 5-8 days ago won't effect my admin application as it was unjust and technically removed 30-60 minutes later (technically because evolve delayed my unban) if further investigation needs to be put into that ban, here is a link ( ) I have since been unbanned.

Your friend and hopeful player,
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Scottitot on December 12, 2012, 02:28:29 AM
I'm just gonna say you get trolled pretty easily and that is a bad feature for admin.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blackllama on December 12, 2012, 02:36:04 AM
I think you should wait until you're 15.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: oobla37 on December 12, 2012, 03:12:36 AM
This guy is mature, I didn't even know he was 14, I assumed he was at least 16. He's a great player, knows all the rules, I've never seen him break any of them ever. He's fun to play with and friendly. He never rages or takes things that would make other people mad seriously. On the flipside, when it comes to rulebreakers, he's always been serious about making sure to tell me about it, or nexus, or somebody. I think Tyber is definitely responsible enough to do this as well.

Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Old Crow on December 12, 2012, 03:33:28 AM
Post count brother.

basically all of your posts are from your ban appeal. I would like to see some more posts elsewhere.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 12, 2012, 04:34:04 AM
Post count brother.

basically all of your posts are from your ban appeal. I would like to see some more posts elsewhere.
Yes, I know and am posting any posts I can add any help or advice too (such as Zippy's Pmute) but thanks for your input guys, and hope you can look past any imperfections I may have, and give me a chance.

*crossing fingers*
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Kwaurtz on December 12, 2012, 05:04:48 AM
Yo, Tyber is a pretty cool guy and he doesnt afraid of anythin

Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Hair Slut on December 12, 2012, 05:18:36 AM
We should give new people a chance otherwise TTT will grow stale, +1
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tendovvi on December 12, 2012, 12:13:15 PM
This guy is mature, I didn't even know he was 14, I assumed he was at least 16. He's a great player, knows all the rules, I've never seen him break any of them ever. He's fun to play with and friendly. He never rages or takes things that would make other people mad seriously. On the flipside, when it comes to rulebreakers, he's always been serious about making sure to tell me about it, or nexus, or somebody. I think Tyber is definitely responsible enough to do this as well.


I was like wat 14 too. +1
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Leetgrain on December 12, 2012, 12:52:43 PM
You're fucking 14!? :O

+1 good guy, would probably be a good addition to the team.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Prince LunaShy on December 12, 2012, 02:21:03 PM
This guy, all the way. I'm 14, 15 in two months, and this guy comes in and I think he's 17. Totally a good choice. I'm not an admin, but if I were, this guy would get all of my votes.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Pyro on December 12, 2012, 05:18:21 PM
+2 You are a cool guy and I think you'd make a pretty good admin.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: oobla37 on December 12, 2012, 05:26:06 PM
This guy, all the way. I'm 14, 15 in two months, and this guy comes in and I think he's 17. Totally a good choice. I'm not an admin, but if I were, this guy would get all of my votes.
Regular players are allowed to vote, if anybody thinks he would be a good admin, it's worth something.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Prince LunaShy on December 12, 2012, 06:09:15 PM
This guy, all the way. I'm 14, 15 in two months, and this guy comes in and I think he's 17. Totally a good choice. I'm not an admin, but if I were, this guy would get all of my votes.
Regular players are allowed to vote, if anybody thinks he would be a good admin, it's worth something.
THEN 1+1+1(=3)! meme2
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Pillz on December 12, 2012, 06:23:34 PM
Ehh he's alright.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Justice on December 12, 2012, 09:13:36 PM
I remember when you first joined you killed me for following you as a Detective.

Neverless you have evolved since then and now have gained some knowledge on how everything works.
If it means anything, +1
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 12, 2012, 09:19:00 PM
I remember when you first joined you killed me for following you as a Detective.

Neverless you have evolved since then and now have gained some knowledge on how everything works.
If it means anything, +1
Yeah, lol good times man, gooood times. (P.S. ima Traitor!)
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: (QC) Spell Bound on December 13, 2012, 12:15:26 AM

HE'S 14???

He's a great player, had fun with him and he obeys the rules, so definetly!
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: MeOwMoO on December 13, 2012, 12:59:14 AM
Just met him today, he's great, he gets along with others and helps out alot with the logs. Oh and also,

(LAST WORDS)Mrs.TheNurse(MeOwMoO):If you killed me, you're a dick because im afk, anyway. TYBER I LOVE YOU---

Yeah, well, hes a great guy. So... +999999999999999999999999999999999.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: caboose74 on December 13, 2012, 03:43:58 AM
he's a good guy but i really dont think he got the maturity to be a admin since i was force to mute him after telling him to stop mic spamming ,and tell me no and continue  -1 and it's not the first time i see him with low voice for the lulz  /// mic spamming
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 13, 2012, 01:51:07 PM
I think (correct me if I'm wrong) but all the admins that I've met have posted.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: (=CG=) Scooby on December 13, 2012, 03:02:26 PM
have had no problems with him <3 :-*
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: AbkaFlab on December 14, 2012, 01:58:59 PM
Normally I wouldn't +1 someone who hasn't been on the server for like atleast a month or two. But hes been on a ton and has gotten to know everybody and the rules so +1.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blazyd on December 14, 2012, 06:38:20 PM
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 14, 2012, 06:52:56 PM
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now
Not that I'm arguing with your opinion, not at all, but I just want to put it in perspective. I joined the server when Tendovvi (That's how I found the server, through his videos.) had his Traitor Gameplay #11 up as his most recent video. That was back in November and if I'm correct (Again correct me if I'm wrong.) that was about 3 weeks ago. And when I joined the server I had about 96 hours put into Gmod (A.K.A. TTT) and now, considering I've been on the server 3 weeks, I have put more that 240 hours into the server. I don't know if it counts for anything, but I just wanted you to know the full picture.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: IsYn Wooley on December 14, 2012, 07:13:30 PM
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now

adding to this: Not meeting the requirements of the application regardless of whether or not your are of a mature nature. If you had read the application and realized you were not of age, you should have found it wise to PM a CL or HA to ask if you could be considered for administrator despite your age. Since this did not take place...
 -1 for me.

Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: caboose74 on December 14, 2012, 07:59:59 PM
well like old crow said before this app , get more post on the forum
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blackllama on December 15, 2012, 01:22:48 AM
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now
Not that I'm arguing with your opinion, not at all, but I just want to put it in perspective. I joined the server when Tendovvi (That's how I found the server, through his videos.) had his Traitor Gameplay #11 up as his most recent video. That was back in November and if I'm correct (Again correct me if I'm wrong.) that was about 3 weeks ago. And when I joined the server I had about 96 hours put into Gmod (A.K.A. TTT) and now, considering I've been on the server 3 weeks, I have put more that 240 hours into the server. I don't know if it counts for anything, but I just wanted you to know the full picture.
Just gonna through this out here. The admin requirements say 7.5 hours a week for 4 consectutive weeks.
  • Must have a minimum average of 7.5 hours a week, for a month, for the server you are apply for. That is 7.5 hours a week, for 4 consecutive weeks.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 15, 2012, 01:33:46 AM
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now
Not that I'm arguing with your opinion, not at all, but I just want to put it in perspective. I joined the server when Tendovvi (That's how I found the server, through his videos.) had his Traitor Gameplay #11 up as his most recent video. That was back in November and if I'm correct (Again correct me if I'm wrong.) that was about 3 weeks ago. And when I joined the server I had about 96 hours put into Gmod (A.K.A. TTT) and now, considering I've been on the server 3 weeks, I have put more that 240 hours into the server. I don't know if it counts for anything, but I just wanted you to know the full picture.
Just gonna through this out here. The admin requirements say 7.5 hours a week for 4 consectutive weeks.
  • Must have a minimum average of 7.5 hours a week, for a month, for the server you are apply for. That is 7.5 hours a week, for 4 consecutive weeks.
Well i actually checked, at the end of tendovvi T gameplay 11 I was there as Jack McWzrdson and that was uploaded 1 month ago, so I do fit that requirement. :)
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Kwaurtz on December 15, 2012, 04:13:05 AM
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now
Not that I'm arguing with your opinion, not at all, but I just want to put it in perspective. I joined the server when Tendovvi (That's how I found the server, through his videos.) had his Traitor Gameplay #11 up as his most recent video. That was back in November and if I'm correct (Again correct me if I'm wrong.) that was about 3 weeks ago. And when I joined the server I had about 96 hours put into Gmod (A.K.A. TTT) and now, considering I've been on the server 3 weeks, I have put more that 240 hours into the server. I don't know if it counts for anything, but I just wanted you to know the full picture.
Just gonna through this out here. The admin requirements say 7.5 hours a week for 4 consectutive weeks.
  • Must have a minimum average of 7.5 hours a week, for a month, for the server you are apply for. That is 7.5 hours a week, for 4 consecutive weeks.
You joined the server quiet recently, which in my opinion it's a bit early to already have an admin app and a lot of your posts were from your ban appeal thread. You know the rules and such and are a good player, but +0 for now

adding to this: Not meeting the requirements of the application regardless of whether or not your are of a mature nature. If you had read the application and realized you were not of age, you should have found it wise to PM a CL or HA to ask if you could be considered for administrator despite your age. Since this did not take place...
 -1 for me.

May I point out that NUMEROUS times that when an applicant is underage, leeway has been given if they have shown the maturity that someone like Tyber, for example, Coreybush is a veteran admin, and his approved across multiple servers. Also, 144 hours of TTT on the CG server within three weeks is more time then most of the current admins. He also meets the post requirement. We need more admins who are actually active on the server. The only time I get on the TTT server the admins that I see on are Blazyd, Nexus, Oobla, and Caboose, occasionally mutligrain and leetgrain are there (Timezone difference alotted for Leet).
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blackllama on December 15, 2012, 05:02:01 AM
May I point out that NUMEROUS times that when an applicant is underage, leeway has been given if they have shown the maturity that someone like Tyber, for example, Coreybush is a veteran admin, and his approved across multiple servers. Also, 144 hours of TTT on the CG server within three weeks is more time then most of the current admins. He also meets the post requirement. We need more admins who are actually active on the server. The only time I get on the TTT server the admins that I see on are Blazyd, Nexus, Oobla, and Caboose, occasionally mutligrain and leetgrain are there (Timezone difference alotted for Leet).
He definitely has plenty of hours. I wasn't trying to say he needs more of them on the server, but the longer term activity also counts. There are very many players who get admin and either just stop posting on the forum, stop playing, or just disappear. I've been in phases where I'll play 24/7 and with that many hours it is possible to burn out. Being on the server for an extended amount of time only helps prove dedication. Not to say he isn't dedicated, but a month isn't a super long time.

As I mentioned earlier I think giving it a few months and reapplying would be a good idea. I haven't had a ton of time on the server with him, however I'm not totally convinced he can handle admining. I'm going to try and get on the server and play more with him in the next few days, maybe it'll consolidate my opinion either way a bit.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 15, 2012, 05:11:26 AM
May I point out that NUMEROUS times that when an applicant is underage, leeway has been given if they have shown the maturity that someone like Tyber, for example, Coreybush is a veteran admin, and his approved across multiple servers. Also, 144 hours of TTT on the CG server within three weeks is more time then most of the current admins. He also meets the post requirement. We need more admins who are actually active on the server. The only time I get on the TTT server the admins that I see on are Blazyd, Nexus, Oobla, and Caboose, occasionally mutligrain and leetgrain are there (Timezone difference alotted for Leet).
He definitely has plenty of hours. I wasn't trying to say he needs more of them on the server, but the longer term activity also counts. There are very many players who get admin and either just stop posting on the forum, stop playing, or just disappear. I've been in phases where I'll play 24/7 and with that many hours it is possible to burn out. Being on the server for an extended amount of time only helps prove dedication. Not to say he isn't dedicated, but a month isn't a super long time.

As I mentioned earlier I think giving it a few months and reapplying would be a good idea. I haven't had a ton of time on the server with him, however I'm not totally convinced he can handle admining. I'm going to try and get on the server and play more with him in the next few days, maybe it'll consolidate my opinion either way a bit.
I understand, but I want to say, if it counts for anything, I am definitely in it for the long run. I haven't had more fun or met so many awesome people than playing on the server. There's no way to prove it, but at this point, I don't think I'll ever leave!
Edit: It's actually 114 hours of ttt in the last 2 weeks :P
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Inject OH 4 on December 15, 2012, 08:53:18 PM
Mature, and patient (Which is amazingly important quality to have).

Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Muffins on December 16, 2012, 01:35:17 AM
Age: 14 (Have been mistaken to be 16 though and Birthday's in about 7 moths.)

I'm not sure what a moth is in time but... +1 :>
You don't know what a moth is?  trollface
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 16, 2012, 01:37:38 AM
Age: 14 (Have been mistaken to be 16 though and Birthday's in about 7 moths.)

I'm not sure what a moth is in time but... +1 :>
You don't know what a moth is?  trollface
The real question is... do YOU know what a moth is! *DUN DUN DUN*
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Leetgrain on December 16, 2012, 01:40:25 AM
Age: 14 (Have been mistaken to be 16 though and Birthday's in about 7 moths.)

I'm not sure what a moth is in time but... +1 :>
You don't know what a moth is?  trollface
The real question is... do YOU know what a moth is! *DUN DUN DUN*

Is it this?

Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 16, 2012, 02:45:10 AM
Age: 14 (Have been mistaken to be 16 though and Birthday's in about 7 moths.)

I'm not sure what a moth is in time but... +1 :>
You don't know what a moth is?  trollface
The real question is... do YOU know what a moth is! *DUN DUN DUN*

Is it this?


Edit: YES.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Old Crow on December 16, 2012, 03:35:57 AM
Back on topic, admin apps are not for spam.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: oobla37 on December 16, 2012, 03:44:37 AM
Back on topic, admin apps are not for spam.


Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 16, 2012, 03:48:11 AM
Back on topic, admin apps are not for spam.


For the oddest reason I quite literally laughed myself to tears gripping my seat and shitting myself when I saw this xD
Edit: FUCK didn't mean to make a whole new replay for that yes thingy... sorry.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: ๖ۣۜNexus on December 16, 2012, 06:13:58 PM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blackllama on December 16, 2012, 06:15:04 PM
I'm pretty much neutral on this at this point.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: ๖ۣۜNexus on December 16, 2012, 08:23:16 PM
You've also had karma under 700 twice in the past week or so but the other admins decided against banning you :/
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: oobla37 on December 16, 2012, 08:32:24 PM
You've also had karma under 700 twice in the past week or so but the other admins decided against banning you :/

those both we're for bull reasons. Because he's on all day, he occasionally takes blows from rdmers, or usually is an unfortunate target from a traitors false kos (particularly mine) and he's forced to self defend.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Mr.TheDoctor on December 16, 2012, 09:04:47 PM
Quite mature, good player, handles himself well besides some minor karma issues. I'm all for giving him a chance, but I have some reservations. So..... +.87 from me.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Prince LunaShy on December 16, 2012, 09:34:05 PM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.

Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blackllama on December 16, 2012, 09:35:46 PM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.
Back on topic, admin apps are not for spam.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 16, 2012, 09:39:38 PM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.

I don't mind input AT ALL! I love to see what admins think I would be like if I were to get accepted, it helps me adjust my plays style and fix wrong's i may have.

The way I see it, arguing with responses like this is like going the doctor to see if you have aids, then, when he says you DO have aids you argue and deny it. THEN when he gives you the medicine to help/cure the disease, you say no and walk out. Kinda stupid don't you think?
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: doll023 on December 16, 2012, 10:11:07 PM
Tyber has been a great friend of mine since i join CG and he's a great, mature player. I think he would be a great addition to the admin team. +11111111.0367273
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Prince LunaShy on December 16, 2012, 10:48:04 PM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.

I don't mind input AT ALL! I love to see what admins think I would be like if I were to get accepted, it helps me adjust my plays style and fix wrong's i may have.

The way I see it, arguing with responses like this is like going the doctor to see if you have aids, then, when he says you DO have aids you argue and deny it. THEN when he gives you the medicine to help/cure the disease, you say no and walk out. Kinda stupid don't you think?
He just said you couldn't handle it - not even saying anything specific.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Blackllama on December 16, 2012, 10:53:30 PM
He just said you couldn't handle it - not even saying anything specific.
And you posted a picture of a cat.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: oobla37 on December 16, 2012, 11:14:43 PM

I don't mind input AT ALL! I love to see what admins think I would be like if I were to get accepted, it helps me adjust my plays style and fix wrong's i may have.

The way I see it, arguing with responses like this is like going the doctor to see if you have aids, then, when he says you DO have aids you argue and deny it. THEN when he gives you the medicine to help/cure the disease, you say no and walk out. Kinda stupid don't you think?

I don't know about you, but I see maturity, and handling a situation that could have easily been bigger. Tyber defused the argument very well.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 17, 2012, 12:17:43 AM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.

I don't mind input AT ALL! I love to see what admins think I would be like if I were to get accepted, it helps me adjust my plays style and fix wrong's i may have.

The way I see it, arguing with responses like this is like going the doctor to see if you have aids, then, when he says you DO have aids you argue and deny it. THEN when he gives you the medicine to help/cure the disease, you say no and walk out. Kinda stupid don't you think?
He just said you couldn't handle it - not even saying anything specific.
I know (and i still wub u <3) but what you responded with is just gonna start arguments. (P.S. Waddya think 'bout meh gifs?)
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Prince LunaShy on December 17, 2012, 12:43:40 AM
-1 I don't think he would be able to handle situations admins deal with.

I don't mind input AT ALL! I love to see what admins think I would be like if I were to get accepted, it helps me adjust my plays style and fix wrong's i may have.

The way I see it, arguing with responses like this is like going the doctor to see if you have aids, then, when he says you DO have aids you argue and deny it. THEN when he gives you the medicine to help/cure the disease, you say no and walk out. Kinda stupid don't you think?
He just said you couldn't handle it - not even saying anything specific.
I know (and i still wub u <3) but what you responded with is just gonna start arguments. (P.S. Waddya think 'bout meh gifs?)
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Ashes Relandi on December 17, 2012, 07:04:40 AM
0 atm. Played with him. Sure seems mature but I'm a little iffy on this right now.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 20, 2012, 10:55:20 PM
Bump, wanna get one more reply before we all die :)
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: oobla37 on December 20, 2012, 11:02:02 PM
Bump, wanna get one more reply before we all die :)

patience my friend, although I would assume this is pretty closed out. Waiting for a verdict from towersheep probably.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Link236 on December 21, 2012, 09:39:49 AM
Kinda late, but +1. Great guy, knows what he's doing, and, if he was put in the position of admin, I'm sure he could handle it.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Inject OH 4 on December 21, 2012, 12:48:25 PM
Bump, wanna get one more reply before we all die :)

patience my friend, although I would assume this is pretty closed out. Waiting for a verdict from towersheep probably.
I think it was a  joke on the 2012 dec 21 dooms day thing.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Tyber on December 21, 2012, 04:56:20 PM
Bump, wanna get one more reply before we all die :)

patience my friend, although I would assume this is pretty closed out. Waiting for a verdict from towersheep probably.
I think it was a  joke on the 2012 dec 21 dooms day thing.
Quite so. Are you really the only one who caught onto that?
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: Leetgrain on December 21, 2012, 05:10:30 PM
Bump, wanna get one more reply before we all die :)

patience my friend, although I would assume this is pretty closed out. Waiting for a verdict from towersheep probably.
I think it was a  joke on the 2012 dec 21 dooms day thing.
Quite so. Are you really the only one who caught onto that?

Nah, I just can't be arsed anymore.
Title: Re: [TTT] Tyber Xan
Post by: TowerSheep on January 03, 2013, 04:51:34 PM

I put him through hell to see how he'd deal with people being annoying as hell. I think he'll do just fine.
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