Conjoint Gaming [Game On]
CG Administration Section => Admin Abuse => Admin Department => Solved Admin Abuse => Topic started by: DSFARGEG on October 09, 2011, 08:04:00 PM
Name of player reporting abuse: DSFARGEG
Admin who is suspected of the abuse: Nendovvi
In which server did the abuse occur?: TTT
What occurred, what did the abuse consist of: During the previous round, I killed Nendovvi on suspicion of being a terrorist. My suspicion was well-founded, as I had just witnessed him killing a Detective. From then on, I heard nothing else on this occurrence. At the beginning of the next round, I was slain by Nendovvi for "rdm'ing." I kindly explained that I had witnessed him killing a detective and that my killing of him was well-founded. In response, he refused to acknowledge me/respond to my statements, and then left the server without responding.
What time and day did it happen (put down your time zone too): apx. 14:50 PST
Additional comments: Thank you to the other admins who helped me out.
Ninedovvi (Camper Strike) slayed you and you killed Tendovvi (Waffuls) who was using my name on that map. So I have nothing to do with dis xD
Eh in my opinion admins shouldn't be borrowing each others names.
And why waffuls even still has admin, I don't know.
Nvm, wrong slay I posted about.
I slayed you because when I asked you why you killed me you only answered me 20/30 seconds after the next round had started. My bad for slaying you if you did not RDM me, but try to pay attention to the chat as admins usually use it to report RDM complaints responses, ask why X person killed Y person, etc. As an "excuse", I left right after because the server was crowded with admins (6 or 7 counting with myself) and I did not see how I could be useful there (as an admin) at that moment.
I'm sorry but why would you post an abuse thread about a slay?
I'm sorry but why would you post an abuse thread about a slay?
Even if the slay was wrongful it wouldn't be abuse it'd be more like a mistake.
Camper, you are in danger of loosing your admin. I have received several reports of things like this. Watch yourself.
I'm sorry but why would you post an abuse thread about a slay?
Because if a small abuse goes unpunished the admin will likely move up to bigger abuses. We should encourage people to report admins who abuse.
Eh in my opinion admins shouldn't be borrowing each others names.
And why waffuls even still has admin, I don't know.
She posted a time away thread. She has no abused since I was HA.
You know who else in is danger ALL OF YOU (Waffuls, Tendovi etc)
STOP CHANGING YOUR GOD DAMN NAMES. It frustrates the hell out of me and makes it impossible to manage things. If you have a personality disorder try controlling it. Jesus. Seriously annoying has tell when you join a server and see 20 tendovis. It's unnecessary.
But on topic: Sounds like everythings figured out here?