Conjoint Gaming [Game On]
CG Administration Section => Ban Appeal => Solved Ban Appeals => Topic started by: The Spaceman on September 25, 2011, 01:11:43 AM
Who were you banned by: I do not know at this time, I was banned when I was off the server and the admin never said anything to me.
Why were you banned: Do not know.
What server where you banned from: Conjoint Gaming Garry's Mod TTT
What date and/or time around were you banned: Sometime late Sep 23- 24 (Not sure)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:2313837
Your in game name: The Spaceman
Link to your steam page:
Additional comments:
The last time I played on the ttt server was yesterday, the round when I left I rdm'd nobody and broke no rules, same with the rounds before. Today when I joined the server I was banned, and I have no idea who did it. I would like to know why... and who... So please, whichever admin did this please come forth and explain why.
Btw the picture is showing me banned from the server in console low res I know sry :(
It wasn't me, but please post it in the proper format
Was not me either, by the way I'm not sure what you're trying to show in that picture it's too low quality for me to read anything.
Not me either.
Was not me either, by the way I'm not sure what you're trying to show in that picture it's too low quality for me to read anything.
Yeah, kinda hard to read.
Can someone look at ban logs?
Proper format please.
Spaceman is a Regular, and I have never had a problem, or have seen anyone else have a problem with them.
Good player.
I say if nobody posts soon on why he was banned then I say unban.
Camper banned you for RDM and Leave.
Oh well I did hear camper mentioning he's banned so many people lately that he wouldn't be able to remember them all lol.
Camper just posted in this thread saying he didn't ban me... Also I did not rdm anyone when I was on or the round I left so whoever did it, did it for no reason.
EDIT : Thinking about it now, I suppose it's possible I killed an innocent the round I left, but he probably started shooting me first because I do not usually rdm people. So if Camper or whoever banned me can't even remember doing it, and do not have any proof I, say they're wrong, or I killed an innocent who started shooting me first or other people in which case I shouldn't have been banned in the first place.
Huh, I honestly don't remember banning you, as I don't ban players (specially regulars) without reason/without talking to the player first, like I've said in another thread.
Well, if you do remember rdming and leaving, then it wasn't my fault. I usually don't look at damage logs before banning players who rdm and leave without the round ending, so that must've been it.
Either way, your ban was a while ago I believe if I don't remember it, so it should expire soon. Next time don't kill a teammate and leave, it makes you look like a rdmer.
It seems that you did kill a teammate and leave. Since it was not explained I am forced to believe it was rdm.
Next time send a admin chat saying why you killed your teammate (it's in the same file as the bans, so it will make finding out why he was killed 1000x easier)
The ban is almost over so just ride it out.
*Ban Remains*