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CG Main => General Discussions => In The News => Topic started by: Artemis on July 26, 2014, 03:58:01 AM
Blowing up a plane full of civilians from different nationalities is bound to draw the International community into what was otherwise a pretty local conflict. What I find myself wondering is just how much Europe will take matters into its own hands...Will it continue with its current policy of mild political rebuke, with no real sanctions on the horizon? Is Europe truly that dependent on Russian gas exports?
Share your thoughts.
I thought they had an upcoming package of sanctions, including economic sanctions, capital controls, restrictions on weapons and technology supplies and restrictions on the energy sector if Russia doesn't stop their involvement in eastern Ukraine.
They're slowly upping the pressure. And Russia stationing ~12.000 soldiers around the Ukrainian border certainly doesn't help.
Finally someone brings this up.
I know the US will continue to push Europe to bring more sanctions to Russia to avoid war. Europe is one of Russia's biggest trading partners with oil and gas I believe so it'll be hurting both economies.. It also doesn't help Russia's case with supplying Ukranian Rebels with military grade Anti-Air Launcher Vehicles.
What I find so deeply aggravating is the seemingly obvious scenario at hand. Russia is absolutely dependent on European trade, Europe is not absolutely dependent on Russian trade. It frustrates me to no end that a joint Western resolution is not being made. Every second of stuttering and indecision only serves to further embolden Putin's already maniacal delusions of self grandeur. The whole thing should never have turned into the tried and tired game of "let's see how high the blood can rise without staining our shoes"...